
Remedy of forgiveness and mercy

Pope John XXIII, to assume the highest function of the Catholic Church on October 28, 1958, soon came up with the great and amazing inspiration that marked the twentieth century, to convene in 1959, the Second Vatican Council. His achievement was made from 1962 to 1965. It was a breath of the Holy Spirit of God to penetrate and resonate happily worldwide. It arrived in a timely and appropriate because the church needed, no doubt notice the signs of the times. I needed a renewal, a "aggiornamento," so named by the Italian people. It was an event deeply rich and precious, wishing the Church, Bride of Christ, as it was called, in the happy initiative of the Roman Pontiff to use a new pedagogy: "The remedy of forgiveness and mercy, and not the severity," according the Pope.
In the message to the Council Fathers (20/10/1962) Pope John XXIII, Pope known as the "goodness", said: "Let us present to our contemporaries the full and pure truth of God, so that they can understand ... ". Pope John XXIII was an extraordinary and amazing. Friend to all and every particular an affection for children, coming to tell the Council Fathers: "When you come home to find children. Give them love and say this is the love of the Pope. "
John XXIII died on June 3, 1963, at the end of the first session to reconcile. Next came Pope Paul VI to continue the work of the "Good Pope". In his speech opening the second session (29/09/1963), was keen to reaffirm the pastoral purpose of Vatican II with the same words of his predecessor. Upon completion he said beautiful words: "For a council was held? To awaken, to renovate, modernize, to intensify, to extend the life of the Church (...). In fact, we observed and for this we thank God with all your heart, that the Church is in ferment "(Paul VI, 09/07/1966).
The Second Vatican Council emphasized that the Church's action is above all the Holy Spirit, with divine energy deeply worked inside, from an institution-Church, Church Society Perfect for a Community Church, and entered the world service of the Kingdom of God. Power of a Church a Church poor, deprived, pilgrim. Authority for a Church a Church Servant, and every servant ministry. From a Pyramidal Church for a Church-people. From a pure and spotless Church for a Church and Holy Sinner, always in need of conversion and reform. A church for a Christianity and Mission Church Fellowship, a church missionary all.
The Council clearly affirmed that the Church is Mother and commitment to want to take care of the general reform of the Liturgy, so that Christian people can tell more safely abundant graces, through the use of the vernacular. The faithful are blessed with ample places and environments, especially for the readings and warnings, also some prayers and chants ... (Cf. SC 579). The human creature is open to God and recognizes as Father and giver of all gifts and benefits received.
The liturgy is the source of life of the Church. It is the celebration of the sacrifice of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ through the ministry of the priest. It is the action of the people and for the people. The breakthrough is undeniable, because in fact, the Second Vatican Council renewed the liturgy of the Mass simplifying and modifying the effect of participation of the faithful and all people of God.
So we must have a clear vision of the greatness and importance of the Vatican and at the same time, let us be guided by the Spirit of the Lord, that thereby realize the signs of God in this event and very happy that it lasted until today. What is our greatest desire to know ever more comfortable and the signs of God in the world.
Thank God we had enormous advances and the Church is strongly committed with great hope to announce the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to men and women of our time, valuing diversity of gifts, talents and charisms, expressions, actions and gestures, going to cultural reality of each encounter. Experience and a wealth of experience, from Medellin (1968), Puebla (1979), Santo Domingo (1992) and the Conference of Aparecida (2007).
We therefore welcome the challenge of today, the breath of the Holy Spirit of God who wants all of us, a fellowship from the world, nature and humanity itself, having before our eyes the one remedy that was at the heart of John XXIII, the remedy of forgiveness and mercy.

Geovane Saraiva, pastor of St. Alphonsus – Fortaleza – Ceara – Brazil

Author of books:
O peregrino da Paz (The Pilgrim of Peace / centennial of Don Helder Camara)
Nascido Para as Coisas Maiores (Born For Greater Things / centennial of Don Helder Camara)
A Ternura de um Pastor (The Tenderness of a Pastor / a tribute to Cardinal Lorscheider)
A Esperança Tem Nome (Hope Has Name / spirituality and commitment)
(All in Portuguese)

 Translator: Rhubens Levy

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